God has created logical, loving limits for us. Think of a river. Rivers are beautiful. You can sit on the banks of a river and picnic or read a book. You can go boating on a river or photograph it. Now a river has banks, but we don’t see people out with placards saying “Free the river” or “Every river has the right to flow wherever it wants” or “Down with riverbanks”. When a river flows within its banks, it brings harmony and order, tranquillity and peace. If the banks are taken away, the river will flood. When a river floods, we suddenly see that the reason for the banks was not to restrict the river at all but to give it limits. The banks make the river beautiful and useful. Without them, the river becomes a destructive and raging force. The same is true of sexuality. God made it to have banks and to travel within a channel. When we flow within those banks, our sexuality is peaceful, useful, and fulfilling. When we flow outside those banks, we bring destruction and havoc on ourselves and many other people around us. 

-Relationships by Dean Sherman

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